Tips to Avoid An Alcohol Dependence

Alcohol dependence can develop and take over your life if you're not careful about the choices you make. In the U.S., 1 in 13 adults develops alcohol problems in their youth, which can lead to other substance abuse issues, according to the American Addiction Center.
Sobriety might be hard to achieve but plenty of people have recovered from alcohol dependency through addiction treatment in Minneapolis. Since the number of people seeking treatment for alcoholism is far lower than those with issues, it is best to curb the problem before it turns serious.
Here are some tips from experts at our addiction clinic, Minneapolis for how to avoid developing alcohol dependence.
1. be aware of your limits.
If you occasionally drink, learn your limits. According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, low-risk drinking is qualified as 7 drinks per week in women and 14 drinks per week in men, while moderate drinking is one (women) to two (men) drinks a day. You've reached your limit if your blood alcohol level (BAC) goes beyond 0.08 g/dL, which is typically about 4 consecutive drinks in women, or 5 consecutive drinks in men.
2. don't stock up on alcohol in your house.
Don't put alcohol within your reach by filling your fridge with it. You'll easily fall into the habit of drinking every day if you keep a well-stocked liquor cabinet. If you keep alcohol out of your house then it will be easier for you to avoid drinking. If you've had a party and there are leftover bottles or cans, give them to your friends or empty them down the drain instead of keeping them at home.
3. say no to your peers.
Politely refuse when you're offered a bottle of alcohol. You have the right to not give in to peer pressure and, if necessary, avoid the people that encourage you to drink when you're curbing the habit. Being around people who drink can push you to behave recklessly and go over your limits. Choose to go with friends who do not drink as much, or don't drink at all, making you less likely to be consuming alcohol.
Steer clear of places that may encourage you to drink, such as bars. If it’s a holiday or a celebration, you can still refuse the bottle or set a limit for yourself.
4. never drown your feelings in alcohol.
Alcohol dependency may sometimes develop when your reasons for drinking are emotional, like depression, loneliness, stress or boredom. This substance is a depressant that can slow down the brain function and alter your mood.
But, the more you drink to ease your problems, the more you're impairing your senses and ability to make sound decisions. If you have all these negative feelings, find other ways to manage stress, such as talking to a therapist, or cultivating a hobby, or simply opening up to a confidant.
Abusing alcohol can lead to short and long-term effects in your body and for some, it may be too late to be fully corrected. Cutting back on drinking doesn’t have to be complicated and it starts with the will and the conscious effort to do so.
valley medical and wellness – the best addiction clinic in minneapolis
Here, at our addiction clinic in Minneapolis & Burnsville, we provide innovative and comprehensive addiction therapy. We are dedicated to healing your mind, body, and spirit, and helping you stay motivated to change. All this while empowering you to create a happier and healthier life for yourself.
With our addiction treatment programs, severe cravings and withdrawal symptoms can be minimized, allowing you to gain greater mental clarity, so you can fully commit to your addiction treatment in Minneapolis.
Call us today to find out about your treatment options, or to schedule an appointment with our addiction doctor in Minneapolis. You can speak to all members of our staff in confidence. We value your privacy.
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