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Welcome Leah Johnson, PA-S

Leah Johnson headshot
Q: Are you originally from Minnesota?
A: I am a Minnesotan born and raised. I grew up in Minnetonka, got my undergraduate Biology degree at Gustavus Adolphus College, and I am now living in Minneapolis.
Q: What are you studying at Augsburg University?
A: I’m a second year Physician Assistant student.
Q: What is the nature of your work with Valley Medical and Wellness this month? 
A: I am at Valley Medical and Wellness this month for a 5-week long clinical rotation in Addiction and Pain Medicine. This is my fourth of nine total rotations in my clinical year of PA school. I chose this area of medicine for one of my elective rotations because I am interested in caring for patients with substance use disorders and those with chronic pain conditions. Unfortunately, these patients sometimes face stigma among society and even in some medical settings, which I hope will change. My goal on this rotation is to become comfortable with treatment options for chronic pain and addictions so that I can help patients with these conditions when I see my own patients as a PA.
Q: Any interest in other kinds of medical work?
A: Outside of this area, I am also interested in primary care, women’s health, and mental health. I am enjoying finding some overlap between these areas. For example, chronic pain is often coexistent with and can exacerbate mental health disorders. Also, VMW providers serve similar roles as primary care providers in some ways, as they have such longitudinal relationships with patients and are concerned with a patient’s holistic health.
Q: Do you have any favorite hobbies outside of work?
A: Outside of PA school and medicine, I enjoy spending time with my two dogs, fiancé, and family. I also love reading and traveling.
Be sure to say hi to Leah this month if you see her before she leaves!
Sara Waugh Sara is a freelance marketing consultant and digital content creator and strategist based in Queens, NY.

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