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Are Headaches and Migraines the Same?

pain clinic Minneapolis

Headaches and migraines are both common conditions experienced by people of all age groups. Headaches, while at times can be very severe,may sometimes be so severe that it can be mistaken for a migraine, but there are specific differences between a headache and migraine. It is important to distinguish these differences to ensure that you get the proper and faster pain relief. 

A headache that feels like a migraine is called a tension headache. It might feel like there's a clamp squeezing your skull if you experience this pain, but tension headaches are, in fact, the most common type of headache.

symptoms and causes of a tension headache

Tension headaches may spread a dull and aching pain in your head which may occur in episodic instances or become chronic that could last for months. This pain may also feel like there is pressure around your forehead or the sides and back of your head. 

While tension headaches may be uncomfortable and painful, it won't usually affect your activities or disrupt whatever you need to do for the day. This is the main difference between a headache and a migraine.

Tension headache develops from a number of reasons. The most common causes are the onset of a cold, flu or sinus congestion. It may also develop if you have skipped a meal, did not get enough sleep, or slept in an awkward position, causing the muscles around the neck to be strained. 

symptoms and causes of a migraine

Experts in Valley Medical and Wellness Pain Clinic in Minneapolis said that if a headache is so bad that it makes you want to vomit, it can be considered a migraine. Some of the symptoms of this type of pain also include sensitivity to light or sound that you don't feel like getting up from bed or visual problems that make it hard to work or concentrate on what you’re doing.

Sometimes, migraines can be extremely debilitating, unlike a severe headache. It also worsens when you do physical activities, so you have no choice but to stay in bed, take medication, and wait until the pain subsides.

Unlike a common headache, some individuals may actually anticipate a migraine attack a day or two before the pain begins. Among these signs include: 

  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Food cravings
  • Constipation

The exact causes of migraines are unknown but this condition occurs because of a trigger that varies per person. It may be due to a person's diet, sleeping habits, lifestyle, environment, or emotional experiences. It may also be caused by hormonal triggers, especially during a woman's menstrual cycle. Doctors in Valley Medical and Wellness Pain Clinic, Woodbury, advise patients to avoid triggers as much as possible to prevent an episode.

prevalence of headache and migraine

Tension headaches are prevalent in 30 to 78 percent of individuals between the ages of 25 to 39 years old. Migraines, on the other hand, affect 12 to 20 percent of individuals. According to the World Health Organization, migraine is the sixth leading case of disability. 

treating headaches or migraines

Over-the-counter pain medication usually does the trick for tension headaches. The pain goes away within minutes of taking the drugs. Some alternative therapies, such as meditation, stretching exercises or massages, may also work to relieve a common headache. 

Pain relievers might not be enough for migraine relief. Some patients may need anti-nausea medication or nasal sprays to manage the pain.

learn more about valley medical and wellness pain clinic in minneapolis

Valley Medical and Wellness is a Clinic located in BurnsvilleMinneapolis and Woodbury - that specializes in pain management and addiction medicine.

Our involvement begins with a comprehensive evaluation to create a treatment plan suited to your specific needs. Then, we select from a variety of therapies and medication to manage your care as you work towards recovery. It is our continued care management, which changes with your needs, allowing you to progress and achieve your treatment goals.

If you have any additional questions, or you would like to find out more about our available pain management options, please contact us by calling at (612) 444-3000.

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