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How Your Environment Influences Your Risk for Alcohol Dependence

Alcoholism is a disease that can affect any person. As a growing public health issue, some 14.1 million U.S. adults from the ages of 18 and older, and 443,000 kids from the ages of 12 to 17 are believed to be suffering from alcohol use disorder, according to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Experts in Valley Medical addiction clinic in Minneapolis remind that alcohol dependence can develop no matter how early or late a person starts drinking. But factors that may contribute to alcoholism can be broken down into different types: biological, psychological, social, and environmental.

what are the environmental factors of alcohol dependence?

Public health experts have long determined that a person's environment can be an enabler of alcohol dependence. The fact is alcohol drinking in bars, parties and events, is considered acceptable behavior in most societies. And since alcohol is socially accepted it's also:

  • Widely advertised with popular stars as endorsers
  • Depicted as cool in movies, television series, music videos and other media 
  • Easily sold at accessible stores with liquor license

A study published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence showed that the prevalence of alcohol outlets in impoverished neighborhoods promote binge drinking and worsen alcohol-related problems in the community. The researchers also learned that the more establishments are selling alcohol within a person's neighborhood, the more that person may be encouraged to drink by as much as 11 percent more than a person who has limited access to stores. 

Underage individuals are also more likely to drink alcohol if beer, wine and alcoholic products are easy to get. Moreso, a significant number of children learn of alcohol or gain knowledge about drinking based on what they see in the media, per a study in the National Institute on Media and the Family. Apparently, it is these environmental influences that shape a teenager’s desire to taste alcohol. 

preventing the impact of environmental influences on alcohol dependency

As much as the environment can push a person to drink, there are also laws and regulations about alcohol that may curb alcohol dependence. For one thing, the strict enforcement of the law against underage drinking will help young kids as they will no longer have easy access to this vice. The restriction of alcohol consumption in public places, such as parks, movie theaters, sports stadiums, and other community venues may also help lower the rate of alcohol dependence.

To counter these environmental influences, advertisements selling beer or wine must also emphasize the negative consequences of drinking. Thus, some states and countries require alcohol manufacturers to put warning labels on their beers and other alcoholic products. 

In the media, showing the consequences of drinking alcohol, especially for impressionable teenagers, can bring a positive impact. If they are aware that alcohol can cause drunkenness, drunk driving, and behaviors that may be a public nuisance, then they will likely be turned off from trying to drink.

Saying no to alcohol might take willpower, especially when you're giving in to pressure from your peers. However, experts in Valley Medical addiction medicine in Minneapolis warn that aside from alcohol dependence, there are many diseases that develop from alcohol drinking. So, rather than grabbing a bottle, offer instead to be the designated driver at the party so that you won’t have to drink beer.

for more information on alcohol dependence, contact our addiction clinic minneapolis today

Valley Medical and Wellness Addiction Medicine in Minneapolis provides innovative and comprehensive addiction therapy. We are dedicated to healing your mind, body, and spirit, and helping you stay motivated to change. All this while empowering you to create a happier and healthier life for yourself.

Schedule an appointment with our addiction doctor in Minneapolis today. You can speak to all members of our staff in confidence. We value your privacy. Call us at (612) 444-3000.


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